Welcome to Tutorials by Vaybs
Here you find all my tag tutorials using Paint Shop Pro (I use PSPX) and Animation Shop 3.
They're all made with FTU elements ;) And if I'm doing my job right you might pick up a few new ideas and tricks on the way.
All links open in a new window;)
Layout tag is made with my Betsys Paradise Dream kit ;)
Have fun!!

21 Nov 2010


Tutorial is made in PSP10 and Animation Shop 3


My template HERE 
(not to be used for other tutorials)

Licensed artist work is by  Ismael Rac

Plugins used

Alien Skin Xenofex2 - Little Fluffy Clouds
VDL Adrenaline - Snowflakes
Alien Skin Eye Candy - Impact - Gradient Glow
Xero - Fritillary

Font used is Susie's Hand

Let's start

Open the template, close the top layer and  save it under a new name so you don't lose the original;)
Add a new raster layer above Raster 6, go to Alien Skin Xenofex2 - Little Fluffy Clouds,
Under Settings chose Hazy Day, and hit OK.
Duplicate the layer and on the duplicate, change blend mode to Overlay, then merge it down on the
original one. 
Now stand on Raster 6, Selections - select all, float, defloat. Rightclick on the cloud layer
and chose Promote Selection to Layer, Deselect and close Raster 6.
Move the cloud paper layer above Raster 7, . 
Rightclick on the cloud layerand chose Promote Selection to Layer, Deselect and close Raster 7.
Close or delete the cloud paper layer.

Open your tube of choise, add a closeup above the first promoted layer (the big square one).
On the square layer, Selections - select all, float, defloat. Use the move tool to move the 
tube to your liking , I've put mine to the left. Rightclick when you're happy and chose 
Promote Selection to Layer, Deselect and delete the original closeup, And 
change blend mode to Hard Light on the promoted one.

Add main tube below the SkiBum wordart (below raster 8), make her lower body come out of the 
bottom narrow square, delete any access.

Move the promoted layer above Raster7 down to the promoted layer above Raster 6, merge them
down on eachother (so you have all 3 cloud squares on one layer), then 
Selections - select all, float, defloat, add 4 new Raster layers above it and add 
VDL Adrenaline - Snowflakes with these settings to all 4 layers, just change the bottom
Random Seed slider for the next 3 layers.

Deselect and close 3 of the snow layers.
Go back to the cloud layer (your 3 squares) and add 

Use the manual color correction tool to change color on the Raster Layers listed below; 
(It's all colors I picked up from my tube of choise, so pick colors from the tube you're using)

- On Raster 4 (the doodles) I've used #de3862, 
then Effects - Testure Effects - Weave 1, 3, 1, white on both colors and Fill gaps hooked.
Then add Alien Skin Eye Candy - Impact - Gradient Glow, make a double glow like this one.
I've used white and #ff6179

Now add it once more, but change the pink over to the darker one that's on the doodle #de3862

- On Raster 5, #065985,
then Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise , Uniform, 75, Monochrome hooked.
Then Effects - Testure Effects - Weave 2, 6, 1, white on both colors and Fill gaps hooked.
Then add the same Gradient Glow, just adjusted the Glow Radius from 5 to 7.

- On Raster 3, #ff5381, then Xero - Fritillary, 5, 30, 20, 75, then Gradient Glow, use the first 
one we used with light pink.

- On Raster 2, #329dc6, then Xero - Fritillary, 5, 30, 50, 75, then Gradient Glow, use the same one
as before but change pink to #329dc6 and up the Glow Radius from 5 to 6.

Add the same Gradient Glow to the layer with the 3 squares, only this time I went for a darker blue #105091.

Now to the big Skibum wordart, select the first 3 letters, change color to #015290. Select the last 
3 letters, change color to #22c6f8, Deselect.
Effects - 3D effects - inner Bevel with these settings

Add the Gradient Glow with dark blue, Glow radius at 7.

Go to the smaller Skibum wordart (Raster 9), change color to #de3862, add the same Noise as used before
and add the Gradient Glow as before but with the light blue and Glow radius at 5.

Then it's all done, except for proper © and adding name to your tag, U've used Susie's Hand font
and used the same effects and on the small wordart ;)

When ready to animate, close the white background.

Copy Merged

Open Animation Shop 3

Paste as new Animation
Back in PSP, close the snow layer you've used and open the next one
Copy Merged again and paste after current in Ani Shop.
Do the same to the next 2 Snow layers, so you'll have 4 frames.
Select all, Rightclick nad change Frame Properties to 25. 
View Animation and save as... 
Under Customize... 

And you're done

Hope you've had fun.

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