Welcome to Tutorials by Vaybs
Here you find all my tag tutorials using Paint Shop Pro (I use PSPX) and Animation Shop 3.
They're all made with FTU elements ;) And if I'm doing my job right you might pick up a few new ideas and tricks on the way.
All links open in a new window;)
Layout tag is made with my Betsys Paradise Dream kit ;)
Have fun!!

28 Mar 2010

Reflections Forum Set

Tutorial is made in PSP10 and Animation Shop 3

Download supplies HERE

Licensed artist work is by Ismael Rac

Plugins in use

Flaming Pear - Flood
Flaming Pear - Glare
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Textures

Let's start

Open the template
choose your tube of choise, I used a closeup on the left side
duplicated, mirrored and resized to 60% on the right side.
Select the background layers, select all, float, defloat, invert
and delete the access on the tube layers.

Duplicate the scenery layer 3 times, add Flaming Pear - Flood with
these settings to all 4 layers but change waves on the other 3 
by hitting the wave button at the bottom (next to the dice

Close 3 of the scenery layers.

Go to the left background layer (raster 3), select all, float, defloat.
add a new raster layer above.
Use gradient foreground/background, angle 140, repeats 1, linear style.
pick 2 colors from the scenery, I picked #0d0d1c and #415399
flood fill, deselect, duplicate and mirror, close the 2 gray layers.
Add Alien skin Eye Candy 5 - Textures - Texture Noise to the to background 
layer with these settings

Give the tubes a glare using Flaming Pear - Glare at these setings

(If your background goes black then try select all, float, defloat on your tube
layers before you add the glare, deselect ;)

Duplicate them so you have two of each.
Change Blend mode to Burn, Opacity 50 on the one of top and 
Luminance (L) on the one below.

On raster 5 (the curved lines) select all, float, defloat, add a new raster
layer, use the same gradient, just change the angle to 0 and flood fill.
Deselect and give it an inner bevel with these settings

And give it a drop shadow 0, 0, 40, 12
Add the same Gradient and the drop shadow to the outer frame too.

I've used the font PonytailScriptSSK for my name Sized 72 color #a5a2d2
and gave it the same drop shadow, just changed blur to 6.

Add the proper © and we're ready to animate.

Close your name layer, and see to it that you've only got one of the
scenery layers open. Copy Merged (hold down Ctrl+Shift+C) paste as new 
animation in Ani Shop.
Back in PSP close the scenery you've used and open the next, copy merged again
and paste after current in ani shop, do the same to the next 2 scenery layers.

When you have all 4 frames in ani shop select all and change Frame Properties 
to 25.
Open your names layer, copy it, paste as new animation in ani shop, and hit the paste
after current button 3 times so you have 4 frames, select all, copy.
Move to your tag, and hit Ctrl+E to add the name where you'd like, I put it in the
down middle of the tag ;)

run the animation and save it ;)

Now to the Avatar

Open the template 
Add the same gradient to the outer frame and the curved line and give it the same
drop shadow. Also to make the animated scenery again do the same as above, 
just change the top slider that says Horizon, drag it down to 60.

on the grey background layer select all, float, defloat.
Copy merged your already done tag, paste it as a new layer above the 
grey background and use the Move Tool to move it around and pick your avatar
picture, I've used the resized girl on the left, when you're happy with it, 
invert and delete the access.

And for my name I just used my initial V on the Avatar, and put it on the 
right side on the curved line using this color #2d396a

Add proper ©

and animate the same way as we did above ;)

That was it ;) 

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