Tutorial is made in PSP10 and Animation Shop 3
My supplies HERE
And from Missy, we're using her "hitman" animation HERE
I've used the licenced artwork of Arthur Crowe, currently available at PTE
Plugins used;
Mura's meister - Copies
Toadies - what are you? HERE
Font used is BankGothic BT
This is a heavy animation challenge so fill your teacup and keep your cool.
Let's start
Open a new image 650x250
Pick your tube of choice and add it to the left in the banner.
Pick matching foreground and background colors from your tube, click on the background
color and chose
Gradient, foreground-background, Repeats 7, Style: Sunburst, Horizontal: 60, Vertical: 50.
Flood fill your background layer. Duplicate it and on the top one:
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance More (yes twice ;)
Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 1
And change blend mode to Hard Light.
Duplicate your tube and on the original add
Effects - Mura's meister - Copies - *Line - just change Number to 4, rest as default.
Change blend mode to Screen and lower opacity to 30.
(All blend modes and opacity settings are for you to play with,
cos they'll work differently on other tubes)
Add my linetemplate, select it. (Ctrl+a, ctrl+f, ctrl+shift+f)
add a new raster layer above and use your same gradient, just change it to Linear linestyle
and Repeats 1, flood fill, deselect (ctrl+d) and delete the black line.
Duplicate your line 7 times, and name them; 35, 70, 105, 140, 175, 210, 245, from the bottom up
on the 35 one add Toadies - what are you? - Overdose - 35.
on the 70 one add Toadies - what are you? - Overdose - 70.
and so on... all the way yo overdose 245.
Close all the numbered layers when you're done.
Add my hot music wordart or make your own, I've used BankGothic BT.
Change color to what fits your tag, mine's white.
Add a drop shadow to your tube, I've used -2, 2, 30, 5, black.
Move to your top layer and let's make the frame;
Add a new raster layer, select all
Selections - Modify - Contract 2, Selections - Invert, flood fill with one of the colors
you picked from your tube.
Add a new raster layer below it, select all
Selections - Modify - Contract 5, Selections - Invert, flood fill with the other color
you picked, Adjust - Add noise - Random, 70, monochrome checked.
Add a new raster layer below it, select all
Selections - Modify - Contract 8, Selections - Invert, flood fill with a 3rd color
from your tube. deselect and give it a drop shadow same as above, only this time I've
checked the box for Shadow on new layer, then duplicate the drop shadow, mirror and flip it.
Add proper ©, then we're ready to start all the animation.
save your work before moving on in case you clutter it up ;)
and also crop it (to remove the access of the tube or you'll get it with you
when we start copying merged ;)
Close all the layers from the top and all the way down to the wordart,
we want the wordart and the rest visible, (not the already closed layers)
Copy merged (ctrl+shift+C)
paste as new animation in Animation Shop 3
Open your 35 layer, copy merged and paste after current in Ani Shop.
Close the 35 layer and open the 70 layer, copy merged and paste after current in Ani Shop.
Keep going til you've added all, then you'll have 8 frames.
Now select the middle 6 frames, hold down the ctrl key and click on the middle 6 frames.
Copy, then click on the 8th frame and paste after current, Animation - Reverse frames.
Now you should have 14 frames and if you look at it you've got lines going up and down again
from the middle.
Time to add the next animation.
Select all on your banner and make sure you're seeing the first frame.
Open Missy's hitman animation, select all and drag it over to the banner.
place it in the middle of the gradient circle, right on top of the word music.
view animation to see that you've gotten it right before moving on.
If not then just undo (ctrl+Z) and try it again.
Time to add the tube and frame to the banner.
Back in PSP close all visible layers and open the layers above the wordart.
Copy merged and paste as new animation in ani shop.
Paste after current til you've got 14 frames.
Select all and copy, on your banner, hit ctrl+E to see the frame and make sure you place it right.
Just undo and try again if you miss it a bit.
Now add your name and others :)
I've used BankGothic Md BT, white , size 48. and placed mine on the wordart line
to the right.
If you're new to this;
Type it in PSP, copy, paste as new animation, paste after current to 14 frames.
Select all and copy, on your banner, hit ctrl+E and put it where you like.
If you wanna save it to be able to add more names later,
File - save as ... Chose filetype .mng. Make sure you don't have a name
on it when you save :)
Open a new image 150x150 add 3 raster layers and make the same frame as above, just duplicate the
middle one 2 times and add the noise on all 3 to animate it 70, 72 and 74.
copy merged on your banner and paste into it, then move her face where you like it.
I think you know what to do onwards to animate the 3 noise layers ;)
and don't forget © on it.
And you're done
Hope you've had fun.
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